Friday 1 June 2012

truth table

A truth table is a table in mathematics used in logic especially in representation in Boolean algebra, it is also an alternate of truth table, It is used for the calculation of functional values on each expressions on their arguments. It simple words we can say that this table help us in checking whether an expression result is true for all the values we enter as input or it is logically valid
Representation of a truth table is where one column is for the input variable individually and one column for all the results of the operation for which this table is designed. The top row represents the variables from the expressions and various combinations
It is breaking of logic functions by identifying all the values the expression can have. It normally represents two input columns but can be increased up to any number according to the requirement of the problem. The values in input column are in the form of binary numbers
The three operations basic functions have are:
1. Not operation-It is also called as negation or inversion and is represented with symbol “-“
2. OR operation-It is called as addition or disjunction operation and is represented with symbol “+”
3. AND operation- It is called as multiplication or conjunction operation and is represented with symbol “*”
These functions are usually assigned the logic values 1 or 0 where 1 means true and 0 means false
Some Rules of the Truth Table are
If X = 0, then -X = 1
If X = 1, then -X = 0
X+Y = 1 except when X = 0 and Y = 0
X+Y = 0 if X = 0 and Y = 0
X*Y = 0 except when X = 1 and Y = 1
X*Y = 1 if X = 1 and Y = 1
For Diameter of a Circle and CBSE board sample papers for class 10 visit online educational portals and In the next session we will discuss about one-to-one correspondence.

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